Most people have no idea how
good they can actually feel

We think that you should feel happy and at ease, whether you’re a yoga newbie or a seasoned Yogi; are looking towards Reiki to help improve your health and wellbeing; seeking therapeutic support in helping to make important changes in your life or just want to find a way forward from where you are standing now.

Whatever your reason for choosing to visit us - from a fun yoga class that makes you smile, to dealing with some of life’s more challenging ups and downs – we think everyone should be able to access the personal attention and knowledge that can help them move forward, improve their physical and emotional health and create a life they can enjoy every day. It’s why we founded Bodhi.

Ultimately we become our own best teachers. Support, compassion and inspiration can help you achieve the balance and happiness that come from understanding and accepting your own value and learning to enjoy being you.


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Eckhart Tolle

Group and private Yoga classes
Therapeutic Counselling
& West Sussex Reiki Masters

Like everything in life, choosing the the right Yoga class; teacher; Reiki practitioner or Therapeutic coach is a very personal choice. You won’t find more than six people at any of our Yoga classes and we believe that Reiki healing is a discipline to be learnt and practiced over years not days. We practice a model of ‘solution focused coaching’ because it works effectively and quickly; helping you understand what’s happening in your mind and body and teaching you tools and techniques that you can use from day one to improve how you feel.

The ability of these disciples to make real improvements to your health and wellbeing is backed by sound scientific evidence. We hope you find we add genuine compassion, empathy, non-judgement and sometimes even a sense of humour too!


Be at least as interested in what goes on inside you as what happens outside. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.

Eckhart Tolle


Most people have no idea how
good they can actually feel

We think that you should feel happy and at ease, whether you’re a yoga newbie or a seasoned Yogi ; are looking towards Reiki to help improve your health and wellbeing ; seeking therapeutic support in helping to make important changes in your life or just want to find a way forward from where you are standing now.

Whatever your reason for choosing to visit us - from a fun yoga class that makes you smile, to dealing with some of life’s more challenging ups and downs – we think everyone should be able to access the personal attention and knowledge that can help them move forward, improve their physical and emotional health and create a life they can enjoy every day. It’s why we founded Bodhi.

Ultimately we become our own best teachers. Support, compassion and inspiration can help you achieve the balance and happiness that come from understanding and accepting your own value and learning to enjoy being you.

Group and private Yoga classes
Therapeutic Counselling
& West Sussex Reiki Masters

Like everything in life, choosing the the right Yoga class; teacher; Reiki practitioner or Therapeutic coach is a very personal choice. You won’t find more than six people at any of our Yoga classes and we believe that Reiki healing is a discipline to be learnt and practiced over years not days. We practice a model of ‘solution focused coaching’ because it works effectively and quickly; helping you understand what’s happening in your mind and body and teaching you tools and techniques that you can use from day one to improve how you feel.

The ability of these disciples to make real improvements to your health and wellbeing is backed by sound scientific evidence. We hope you find we add genuine compassion, empathy, non-judgement and sometimes even a sense of humour too!